New York Times writer Michael Winerip features enduring couples in his “Making It Last” column. Winerip asks couples to reveal the secrets of their successful union.

Enduring Couples: Thea & Ron

Thea and Ron Capone, married 30 years with two children, describe their first meeting and Ron’s telephoned, third party marriage proposal. The two share that they were drawn together by their differences and learned to appreciate them.

Enduring Couples: Barney & Deborah

Barney and Deborah Cosimo met on a commune, experimented with open relationships, learned how hard it is to make those work, found church, left church, and through it all stayed committed.

Enduring Couples: Michael & Chava

Michael and Chava Levy each vowed they wouldn’t marry someone with a disability. But the other things they had in common convinced them to overlook their vow.

Enduring Couples: Cathy & Michael

Cathy Domenichini and Michael Brousard split up numerous times in the early years. They still talk about splitting up. They disagree a lot. They’ve lived though lots, including Cathy breaking her neck.

Read more Enduring Couples accounts here.